hae design


Branding and website design

Toxtalk is a healthcare company with the app that offers an analysis of harmful substances in your body, caused by environmental pollution, using contactless test kits and surveys. Managed by top medical professionals, this platform allows you to access test results, obtain personalized health advice tailored to your specific medical conditions and hormone levels, get recommendations for health supplements, and even make product purchases within the app’s integrated store.

Brand story

Due to air pollution, we’re exposed to harmful substances like fine dust, microplastics, and heavy metals through various pathways in our daily lives. With the mounting concerns about these substances accumulating in our bodies, there’s a growing demand for a platform that offers convenient and accurate management of these harmful levels. Responding to these expectations, we’ve introduced an app for online testing and guidance, ensuring accessibility even for infants or those who can’t easily visit healthcare facilities.

Our role


Project management
Brand strategy
UX strategy
Content strategy
Market research


Creative direction
Art direction
Visual design
Logo design
Website design
Motion design

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Right Menu Icon